Your October 5 article “Census: More gay households in Pa.,” addresses the struggles of many gay Americans in committed relationships. As Pennsylvanians strive to be more inclusive, we should each do our part to promote equality. We must be open-minded and accepting of others. Relationships between our gay brothers and sisters are no different than other relationships; it’s about responsibility and commitment.
It’s also about doing unto others as we’d have them do unto us. The Golden Rule is so important to me. Imagine if someone told you that you could not marry the person you loved? How would that make you feel? That’s what committed same-sex couples face every day. I believe that it’s not for me to judge, or to deny them that chance at happiness.
Committed, loving relationships and families are the cornerstone of our society; we should foster these values by acknowledging all relationships and by allowing all Americans the opportunity to be protected under the law. Hopefully open hearts and minds will prevail so everyone can care for the person
they love.
State Legislator